Vatsalya Care Home, Jalore, India
Vatsalya Care Home in Jalore. Jalore is situated in Rajasthan, India and Visionary Jagdish Kumar has developed this home for 15-30 HIV+ orphans over the past 10 years. With their love and dedication, the home has provided stability, respite, healthcare and education for vulnerable children who have lost their parents to AIDS and often have no other family members willing to take care of them.
Jagdish and his colleague Naren work to strengthen the relationships of any remaining extended families or potential guardians so that the children can return to their communities under supervision and continued guidance with health checks to ensure that the child is getting the best possible nurturing within a family unit. Sometimes the children return to their families during school holidays and return to the home during school time since the families are poor and cannot afford school fees or constant care and nourishment.
Despite the children’s difficult pasts with heart breaking stories of abandonment and fear they laugh and play with joy as all children should and the mission is to make sure these children have a brighter future.
Isn’t that what they deserve?