Arms Around The Child

We are delighted to let you know about the Water Project that has been completed at Becky’s Home in Senya Beraku, Ghana (watch the video of finding water attached.) 

We currently look after 54 abandoned/orphaned/trafficked/disabled children and 10 members of staff at the home. The water project has been ongoing since Arms Around The Child first started working in Ghana over 5 years ago with numerous bore holes dug for water and promises of links to mains water, (this happened briefly but that supply also dried up and the water department have done nothing to resurrect!) We took more professional advice and secured a well known and successful company to bore for water (we knew where not to bore!) Christian Atsu  supported in the first instance and with additional financial support  from we are nearly completed.

It’s been a great success and I have attached some videos and  images. The boring company has guaranteed water flow for the next few years and sees no reason why this shouldn’t continue even further. We have installed the tank, pumps and filters which now provides the children with clean drinking water. Additionally we have  been able to direct a flow to the showers and the toilets, however due to the amount of time the showers were unused they have fallen into disrepair and the shower heads need to be replaced which we are working on right now.  We are also erecting an enclosure around the tank and electricals to protect from the elements. Thank you so much for all your support and in particular the support of Pinora/Sono whose continued support makes sure we can pay the wages of the staff and feed the children on a daily/annual basis at Becky’s Home. 

The results of this project mean the children have clean, safe, filtered water to drink, we no longer have to buy expensive tankers of water and environmentally unfriendly plastic water sachets. The health and hygiene for everyone has improved dramatically with the installation of taps in the kitchen and the more free flowing water for sanitation and bathing, the lives of the children and staff have been made a little easier.