Frank Runge
UK Trustee
Frank has worked for 25 years in the commodities business and retired in 2010 to concentrate on entrepreneurial work, helping people to fulfill their dreams and potential, where financial institutions are failing them. Franks portfolio is very diverse and ranges from a kids clothing store to a juice factory in Ghana. Married to Caroline and living in London with 3 beautiful children.
Throughout Frank’s life he has tried to help others directly, trying to make a more targeted impact.Via the companies he has directed, he has been able to support many charitable organizations.
While fulfilling a dream to reach the South pole by walking there, Frank came into contact with Ellie Milner who was representing ‘Keep a child alive’ at the time, inspired tremendously by the work of the organisation the team raised money for the cause. On Franks return he remained committed to continue his support for the charity, now called ‘Arms Around The Child’, and is delighted to become a trustee.