Welcome to the Fam Collective!
You kindly signed up to our experiment to prove that all poor women need is a little help and a way to pursue their personal passion to rise and thrive.
Here is a link for your donation just in case any of you would like to pay in full before the end of the year. You can also begin your monthly donation here too.
[button size=” style=” text=’DONATE USA’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://armsaroundthechildus.charitycheckout.com/donate’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”] [button size=” style=” text=’DONATE UK’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://armsaroundthechild.charitycheckout.co.uk/fundamum’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Thanks Fam!